Career Pathways

get innovation with innovano!


From computer programming to hospitality and tourism, Innovano’ career pathways have course subjects in 17 career clusters. Students can take classes tailored to their cluster, no matter what they choose to do after high school graduation. Each cluster will include multiple career pathways.

The aim of the program is to show students the relevance of what they’re learning in the classroom, whether they want to attend a two-year college, a four-year university or go straight into the world of work. Students will begin to learn about potential careers in elementary and middle school so that they are ready to choose a pathway once they reach high school.  Allow your students to find their niche and pave the way to future success.

These pathways include courses in the following:

  1. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster
  2. Architecture and Construction Cluster
  3. Arts, AV/Technology, and Communications Cluster
  4. Business, Management, and Administration Cluster
  5. Education and Training Cluster
  6. Energy Cluster
  7. Finance Cluster
  8. Government and Public Administration Cluster
  9. Health Science Cluster
  10. Hospitality and Tourism Cluster
  11. Human Services Cluster
  12. Information Technology Cluster
  13. Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Cluster
  14. Manufacturing Cluster
  15. Marketing Cluster
  16. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Cluster
  17. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Cluster