Success Stories


Lauderdale County's Innovano program offers alternate route to diploma

Kobe Clayton, a former Lauderdale County School District student, used the Innovano program and obtained a high school diploma three months ahead of his class. He found the online-based lessons helped him adjust to school work.

Kobe Clayton remembers going to school and how it was hard for him to adjust.

Clayton, who was relatively new to the area, thought it would be best for him to try something different as he tried to achieve his high school diploma so he entered the Innovano program that's offered through the Lauderdale County School District.

“I was behind on a few credits and they gave that program as an opportunity to graduate on time,” Clayton said.

Innovano is a Texas-based company that offers online instruction, providing services to public, private, charter and alternative schools. The program being offered through Lauderdale County schools is geared for individuals between the ages of 15-21 who dropped out of high school and for students struggling to meet graduation requirements.

In Innovano, 80 percent of the classes are online and students are provided a laptop with internet access. The program also provides one-on-one instruction and an on-site project manager to meet with students to discuss test results. Students do not attend classes at the schools.

Clayton was a transfer student from Nashville and was told about the program from his high school counselor. He attended a Lauderdale County school for a year and a half before trying the Innovano program.

Completing the program in three months, Clayton graduated before members of his class. Clayton said he found it easier to complete his work and the program was flexible for his schedule.“I think it is a lot better than regular school and it was a lot better for me to focus,” Clayton said.

Ken Hardy, director of curriculum, assessment and accountability for the Lauderdale County School District, said the program has been successful based on results from the program.Since October 2019, 12 former district students have graduated with a high school diploma. The district's graduation rate for the 2018-19 school year was 84 percent, according to The Mississippi Department of Education.

Thirty-five former school district students and 116 non-district students are enrolled in the program, Hardy said. The program includes students from outside districts. The total includes students who have dropped out or short on credits and youth who are in the criminal justice system who are pursuing a high school diploma, Hardy said.

Even though work is being completed online, students still receive a quality education from certified teachers, Antonio Washington, school director with Innovano, said.

Washington who said he has worked with students has recognized their needs. An important factor is looking beyond a student's past and helping them to succeed, he said. That makes an impact and changes lives, he said.

Clayton is planning to attend East Mississippi Community College at the Golden Triangle campus and he would like to become an electrician.

Clayton said he would recommend Innovano to anyone who is looking at alternative ways of obtaining a high school diploma.

“I think it is a good option for people who are behind," Clayton said.  "If they get a chance to do it, then they should do it.”


What They say about us?


“Innovano has been very instrumental in changing the lives of our students, increasing our Cohort Graduation Rate and most importantly decreasing our dropout rate. Our students go on to two or four year institutions of higher learning, becomes gainfully employed or seek industry certification in high-wage, high-demand certificate fields. The instructors employed by Innovano give the students the additional academic support they need to be successful and complete the program.”

Dr. Beverly Hackett

Guidance Counselor,
Birmingham City Schools

“I really love Innovano. It was easy to go about it, and I love the instructors. They were a really big help. I want to enjoy highschool, because I worked so hard to get where I'm at. Thank you so much, Innovano. Keep Innovano as such; don't turn it to anything else; leave it how it is.THANKS AGAIN.”

Shardae Woods,


“Thanks to Envision Personalized Academy, (who uses Innovano) I have become a much better student. I learned so much through the projects, lessons, and forums. The ACT Prep course is great. When I took my ACT last year, I scored a 15. After completing the ACT course this year, my score has gone up to 20.”


12th Grade Student

"My school couldn't help me because I had failed the state test but I have all my credits," said Arthur. Aruther was accepted into Mile College in Alabama and will be beginning his first semester on August 10, 2020.  He wants to eventually become a registered nurse.  

arthur robinson


"Innovano "allowed Hanna the opportunity to study at her own pace.  And offered assistance, if needed.  Hanna has ADHD and needs extra time to focus on some things." "This was the best way for her to [attain her high school diploma] with pride and not to feel ashamed for needing extra time to do some things," said Hanna's mother.  Hanna was accepted into Southwest Community College in Tennessee and will be starting school in August 2020."

Hanna conard


"Austin worked for ECO-PAK in Mississippi but needed his high school diploma in order to be promoted.  Austin Leach received his high school diploma from Innovano on 06/22/2020 and was subsequently promoted."

austin leach


"Kaitlyn had a difficult time passing the state tests in order to graduate from high school and receive her high school diploma.  She enrolled in Innovano and earned her high school diploma.  After taking summer courses during the Summer 2020, Kaitlyn will be officially accepted into Alcorn State University in Mississippi beginning Fall 2020."

kaitlyn bunch


“Innovano really helped me complete my course so that I could graduate on time this is really a good idea.”

T'niaya smith
